Friday, June 22, 2012

We are leaving today for Rhode Island.  I looked at Ben last night and thought, "Our lives are about to completely change."  Yes, we are very excited - and we expect the change to be a very positive one!  Still, I could not help but look back on the past 6 years and feel a bit wistful at the end of an 'era.'  Ben and I have been like peas in a pod since the moment I held him in my arms on June 5th, 2006.  He has not had to share my attention --- and I have not had to share his!  It has been wonderful watching him grow and figuring out this parenting thing.

  Now, we are ready to welcome my new son Evan - he is already my son and Ben's brother.  We talk about him all the time.  We wonder what will he like?  Ben thinks cars - since he liked cars at 6.  We wonder what he will eat??  Ben is a Legendary Picky Eater.  He has eaten the EXACT same thing for lunch for SIX YEARS.  I think there are 12 foods on the planet he likes.   We also wonder how Evan's disposition will be.  Anyone who knows Ben knows I hit the "child lottery" -  best kid ever...never a tantrum, polite, happy every single day.   I've often heard it said that the second child is always the polar opposite of the first.....  Uh oh.  I fear that!

I got word yesterday that Evan is exactly the same size as Ben - height and weight.  Looks like I will have twins!!  I know Ben had been wishing Evan would be a little smaller than him...but Ben is small for his age. I explained it doesn't really matter because he will still be older and know more.  I think as long as Evan is not bigger than Ben, we will be fine!  This will be convenient because they can definitely share clothes :)

I have also wondered how much they have prepared Evan for our arrival.  I sent him a package a while ago with our photo album  and the Chinese characters for Mom, brother, etc.    Yesterday my agency told me that the orphanage said he is very smart, he understands we are coming, and he loves our family photos. I hope he is excited to meet us and not too afraid.  I have always said that I think this process for the child can only be compared to an alien abduction, LOL. 

So, off we go!!  We will arrive in RI on Sunday - then we leave for China June 28th (Thursday).  I will post again once we get settled in Beijing.  So excited!

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your blog. Congratulations on arriving in Rhode Island safely. You sure are a brave person to drive so far by yourself all the time!! Thursday will be here before you know it!! Happy Traveling!!
