Hello All,
Welcome to my blog! This is where we will chronicle our journey to bring Evan home. I hope you will bookmark our link and come back and share our journey. When it is daytime here, it is nighttime in China. I hope this will help all of our loved ones share our exitement as we travel to meet my new son, Ben's new brother, Evan.
(Some of you may remember I had a website for Ben's adoption. Sadly, that site got wiped out by the company who was hosting it. That's another story. However, this is a free site, so I am hoping it won't be mistakenly deleted. I will be sure to copy EVERYTHING this time, just in case. )
Where are we now? I started on Evan's adoption in March 2011. China had re-opened to single parents and I thought, "It's now or never!" I have my wonderful son Ben, adopted in 2006, who desperately wanted a sibling. Ben is 9 now. I gave him a choice, a brother or a sister? "Definitely a brother! Girls are too bossy!" I began looking through the agency lists of "waiting children," and kept going back to one little boy with the sweetest smile. He was 5, (turned 6 in January). He reminded me of Ben. Auntie Anita came to visit and she fell in love with him, also. SO....the paper work began!
Fast Forward: It is June 16th and I am in a frenzy trying to prepare to leave Savannah. We will leave for my Mother's house in RI on June 22nd. Then, Anita and I will board a plane to China on June 28th. I will finally meet my new son on July 2nd. Why don't you all join us for the ride?
I will definitely be coming along on the ride! I am putting your blog name on my blog, so that I can keep up with it! I am also putting it in my favorites. I'm very happy for you, Ben, and Evan!!